Sunday, November 7, 2010

Connect to Kinect

Kinect for the Xbox 360 was launched November 4th in North America. Kinect is a motion sensing technology that doesn't require any type of controller for it's games. That's because you are the controller. Kinect has solved the problem of throwing your controllers into your expensive flat screen TV! Your body motions are picked up by the Kinect's camera and it does the action you tell it to do. That would seem pretty cool, wouldn't it? I think it's awesome! What a big leap up from the Wii or the PlayStation Move!

The Kinect:

Some games the Kinect has are Kinectimals, where you can interact with tigers and lions. Also, there is a game called Kinect Adventures which has 20 mini games. Some of which include, rafting and an obstacle course. Sounds like fun to me! For $150 the Kinect can be yours. $50 less than the Wii, might I add.

The Kinect does have a small problem though. If the room that you are playing your Kinect in isn't well lit, it will be difficult for the Kinect to recognize facial features. This problem can be easily solved. Play your Kinect in a very well lit room.

Despite this tiny flaw, the Kinect seems like it's a lot of fun. If you don't already have a Wii or a PlayStation Move, I would suggest connecting to Kinect.

1 comment:

  1. Connecting to Kinect, ha!
    Dance Central might've sold me on Kinect, made by the same people who made Rock Band.
    The problem I have with Kinect, as well as the Move and Wii, is that noone is probably going to take advantage of it. From what I hear Kinect works great, the Move does too, and the Wii with the motion plus works fine. The problem is that no one takes advantage of it. Nintendo knows what to do with the Wii so all their games are amazing. However about 80% (exaggerating) of the games are pretty crappy minigame collections. From the opening lineup of Kinect, only Dance Central interests me, although Kinectimals looks ok as well as Kinect Adventures. The thing I can see either killing or saving Kinect is whether developers will take advantage of what they have.
